Jamf Pro Computer Extension Attribute – FileVault Decryption Status

Jamf Pro is really good at identifying and reporting on most things within OS X (macOS) and iOS. Unfortunately, Jamf Pro still doesn’t know everything. Lucky for us, we can teach this dog a new trick or two via Extension Attributes.

My recent challenge was to come up with a method to report against systems that are in a current state of decryption.

You might be thinking to yourself, “Jamf already knows how to report against this.” – You’re not wrong! But…

Jamf only let’s us know if a drive is decrypting. Unlike the encryption process, Jamf does not report the percentage complete of the decryption process.

So I wrote an Extension Attribute to meet this need.

Without further ado, I give you: FileVault_Decryption_Status.sh


# FileVault_Decryption_Status.sh
# v1.0

# Written by Caine Hörr
# Written on 2018-01-30
# http://www.cainehorr.com/jamf-pro-computer-extension-attribute-filevault-decryption-status

decryptionStatus=`fdesetup status | grep "Decryption" | awk '{print $7}'`

if [ "$decryptionStatus" = "" ]; then
	echo "Not Decrypting"
	echo "$decryptionStatus%"

Here is a screen shot of my Computer Extension Attribute that pertains to FileVault_Decryption_Status.sh

Jamf Computer Extension Attribute - FileVault Decryption Status
Jamf Computer Extension Attribute – FileVault Decryption Status

Once you have added the Extension Attribute, each of your macOS endpoints will begin reporting back FileVault Decryption metrics during your regular Jamf agent check-in interval.

You can create a Smart Group and/or an Advanced Computer Search that query against this Extension Attribute.

Jamf Computer Smart Group - FileVault Decryption Status
Jamf Computer Smart Group – FileVault Decryption Status

Using a Smart Group allows you to create a Dashboard item for at a glance metrics.

Jamf Computer Dashboard Item - FileVault Decryption Status
Jamf Computer Dashboard Item – FileVault Decryption Status

You can also modify your personal Inventory Display so you can see all decrypting systems and metrics at a glance.


Jamf Computer Inventory Display - FileVault Decryption Status
Jamf Computer Inventory Display – FileVault Decryption Status

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